This Old Hat

This Old Hat

Published by Tina Dyba on 6th Mar 2023

This old hat has seen a lot in its day.  Memories are abundant from times past, hard work, brutal weather, aging from the sun and overall wear and tear.  But with its wear and tear, this ole hat still brings its owner comfort and that is why we enjoy "restoring" these types of hats.    It is so important that when you purchase a new hat, you understand the quality of the material and how your hat can be refurbished in the later years.  Pure Beaver and Beaver blend hats are by far the best when it comes to value.   So when you purchase your next hat, be sure to invest in an heirloom that can withstand the time and that can easily pass through the next generations- leaving your legacy of stories.   To learn more about our hat restoration services, please call or contact us directly.

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